10 Benefits of Organic Gardening

As many of us are deciding to garden organically because it makes it possible to have our own healthy and fresh produce. Organic gardening is also known for a multitude of health and environmental benefits that we appreciate and enjoy.

In order to reap all the benefits of organic gardening, we need to do the basics by feeding the pants and the soil. To surmise, organic gardening is not just earth friendly but a healthier way of growing foods that we eat.

 Higher nutritional value

Organic foods have a higher vitamin and mineral content over those present in non-organic produce. The chemical-free soil that we strive for is responsible for creating this wonderful bounty.

Saves Money
One of the many ways Organic gardening saves us money is that we no longer have to buy those expensive chemical fertilizers. We get to use compost and organic fertilizers in our soil and on our plants. We can also compost our organic food scraps from our kitchen and the lawn clippings to create a high-quality organic compost. This means that we no longer have to be buying chemicals and fertilizers at all.  In return we will be doing a huge part in reducing waste that ends up in the landfill.

 We gain a higher awareness of what we put in our bodies. When we plant and grow organic plants ourselves, we gain the knowledge the growing process from starting the seeds to the harvest of fruits and vegetables. We also get more aware of what exactly we are eating. We gain a higher level of gratification knowing that we are eating the fresh vegetables and fruit from our own garden rather than from grocery store. Not to mention, we grew, we know what’s in it attitude.

 A change in our Attitude

Growing organically imitates nature and teaches us to make use of the natural elements that mother earth has provided for us. Our views and attitude change such as, we began to higher love of nature and develop a greater appreciation of life’s little things.

Instead of relying on the commercial over the counter in-organic products to grow your garden, we learn to achieve and learn new approaches gardening natural way. This means fewer negative effects and damages.

 Foods Taste Better

This is a non-disputable fact and just one of many side-effects of gardening organically. Eating food that we have grown in our own garden just taste better as opposed to supermarket produce. In most cases, we can eat these fruits and vegetables right after picking them. Produce found in grocery stores are usually harvested while still immature so the produce can still have time be shipped and put on the shelves before spoiling.

 We get Fresh Air and Exercise

Gardening organically outdoors means that we get to soak up the Vitamin D which is a bonus of getting ideal sunlight exposure. By getting more vitamin D is not only good for our health but our wellbeing. Gardening in general is a recommended activity for people who have the desire to lose weight. Each garden task can actually help us burn in the neighborhood of about 400 calories per hour.

 Builds and Improve Knowledge

There are plenty of things we get to learn from organic gardening. One of the main objectives to organic gardening is to make our gardens grow like all-natural living things. When engaging in gardening, we will surely come across a lot of observing and experimenting with natural ways of doing things.

Every season and stage of organic gardening is based upon the finding the right knowledge on how to cultivate and grow foods that can certainly make our families ultimately healthier.

 Organic Gardening is Fun and Engaging

Organic gardening is a routine that we get into which aids in relieving stress and we end up finding it to be a great deal of fun. This will not really eat up all our time so we still have enough time for our other priorities in life. Organic gardening can be done together with our family and friends and the rewards for our hard work are a plethora of delicious and healthy foods.

 Discovery of New Approaches in Life

With the organic gardening philosophy, we are more likely to start to make smart daily life choices about ecology and sustainability. We can recycle our knowledge while we get to explore an orderly way to cultivate our garden while we grow our plants the natural way.  Organic gardening can also be the start of healthier outlook on life.

 Eliminates Chemical Exposure

The danger of chemical exposure is a given. To top it off the exposure to herbicides and pesticides have been linked to a multitude of health problems such as neurological, reproductive even child behavioral issues and so many more. One of the most amazing and enduring organic gardening benefits is that this almost completely eliminates risks and dangers to one’s health.

 Revitalizes Our Spirit

It does not really take expert for us to realize that organic gardening is peaceful and calming effect that we can feel every time you go or visit your organic garden. Organic gardening is peaceful and revitalizes us and we gain the healthful benefits.

 Reduces Waste and Pollution

Another benefit of organic gardening is in the waste and pollution reduction. These are just a few key benefits that we can get from organic gardening in general.  Organic gardening requires little attention, effort, care and a lot of passion. If we take a moment or two and practice organic gardening methods will be greatly rewarded with a fresh, healthy and bountiful harvest.