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Pepper, Early Jalapeno Seeds

Regular price $2.45 USD
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Similar to the standard Jalapeno but earlier and better adapted to cool conditions. Compact bushy type plant. 65 days until the Early Jalapeno is ready for harvest! These Jalapeno peppers range in color from dark-green to red,  Coming in at 3 inches long with a  taper to a rounded tip. The  Early Jalapeno Pepper is known for its semi hot with a sweet background flavor.

  • Capsicum annuum
  • Hot / Sweet - Hot
  • Pepper Type - Jalapeño Pepper - Hot
  • Approximate SHU Heat Units - 1,800-2,500 Scoville Units
  • Days to Maturity - 60-68 days
  • Maximum Height - 14-18 in
  • Fruit Color - Green, ripening to Red
  • Disease Resistant - No Specific Disease Resistance
  • Open Pollinated
  • Peppers Growing Guide
  • Companion Planting Guide

CLASSIFICATION:  Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Non-Gmo, Annual

Open pollinated means this plants flowers are fertilized by bees, moths, birds, bats, and even the wind or rain. The seed that forms produces the same plant the following year. 

All heirlooms are open pollinated, but not all open pollinated plants are heirlooms. Only a small fraction of the plant world is considered heirloom. This variety has a history of being passed down within communities and families as early as the 1700's, similar to the generational sharing of items like jewelry or furniture.

  • Carrot
  • Eggplant
  • Onion
  • Tomato