29 Herbs That Repel Insects


Insects Repelled(or Uses)

Suggest Plant With
Basil Flies Tomatoes
Bee balm Growth and flavor Anywhere in garden
Borage Tomato worm Tomatoes & Strawberries
Catnip Flea Beetles Garden border
Chamomile Flying insects Cabbage and Onions
Chervil Growth and flavor Radishes and elsewhere
Chervil Growth and flavor Radishes and elsewhere
Dill Improves growth Cabbage
Flax Potato bug Between rows of potatoes
Garlic Japanese beetle growth and health Roses and raspberries
Horseradish Potato bug Potatoes
Hyssop Cabbage moth Cabbage and grapes
Leeks Carrot fly growth and flavor Here and there
Lovage Health and flavor Here and there
Marigolds (Tagetes genus) Not Edible Nematodes and cucumber beetles Here and there
Marjoram, Sweet Health and flavor Here and there
Mint Cabbage moth health and flavor Cabbage
Onion Carrot fly Carrots
Pennyroyal Carrot fly, flies and mosquitoes As a ground cover
Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) Edible Tomato worm, general garden pests Tomatoes in groups
Radish Beetles growth and flavor Peas and leaf lettuce
Rosemary Cabbage moth bean beetles and carrot fly Carrots
Rue Japanese beetles Roses and raspberries
Sage Cabbage moth and carrot fly Cabbage and carrots
Savory, Summer Bean beetles, growth and flavor Onions and beans
Southernwood Cabbage moth growth and flavor Here and there
Tansy Japanese beetles, ants, and flying insects Raspberries and roses
Thyme Cabbage worms Cabbage here and there
Wormwood Growth and flavor Cabbage here and there